Just wanted to plug
Moon, a science fiction film that is making the independent theater circuit. For those who like their science fiction carefully-paced and cerebral (think
2001), this is a movie for you. The film is full of my favorite kind of special effects—invisible ones. There is a lot of very clever camera work and computer graphics, but their purpose is to support the story, not "wow" the viewer.
I am deliberately abstaining from including links to the movie's website, as I think the trailer and the synopsis reveal more than most people would want to know. If you like the paranoid and claustrophobic (but very human) films of such directors as Stanley Kubrick and Ridley Scott, then just go see the movie.
Trust me.
Plus, it's directed by David Bowie's son!
There was a big piece on the movie in one of the University's pr rags down here; apparently he's a Vandy alum.
Duly added to the Netflix queue for when it comes out on DVD.
Oh my god, you're right—he's Zowie Bowie!
That is one hell of a shadow to step out from under.
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