I'm currently reading and enjoying the novel
Soon I Will Be Invincible by Austin Grossman. I bought the book because of the opening chapter, "Foiled Again," narrated by an incarcerated super-villain named Dr. Impossible. It is unarguably in the vein of
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and (for me at least) that's a good thing. The other half of the narrative is from the point of view of an ex-government cyborg special agent who is trying to find her place in the world after beating the crap out of a team mate who made the mistake of speculating within ear shot just how much of her anatomy might be original parts. As I mentioned
last year around this time, I enjoy a long (albeit wary) friendship with an android kill-bot known as
cs10. She gets extremely cross when I don't pass on good reads as soon as I find them, and since she sometimes scans this blog, and since this novel prominently features a cyborg assassin as a principal character, and since making
cs10 "extremely cross" can have
dire consequences, I am mentioning the book
right now, before I have even finished it.
(Special thanks to
Forbidden Planet International, from whom I snagged an image of the UK edition of the book, which is
waaay cooler than the American cover.)