Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lymeric Loophole

I have a couple of grant proposals due next week, and it's proving hard to keep up my good habits, specifically writing every day and exercising every day. Oh, and sleeping. Something's gonna have to give, I suppose. Probably the sleep.

Then again, if I didn't let myself get distracted by shiny blog-related stuff, I'd have an extra hour in my day.

So, let me cut this short, and just report my writing totals. In lieu of my own wit, I encourage you to visit the iTunes store and search for "Good Ship Venus." It's a fantastically lewd folk song, and iTunes has half a dozen versions of it. Inexplicably, only one version is labeled "EXPLICIT." Should you innocently click on Loudon Wainwright III's version for example (go on, you know you wanna), you will be treated to a ribald limerick the gist of which is "Our second mate was nicely endowed until we brutally castrated him for ejaculating in our beverages."

Now, who wouldn't buy that for $0.99!

Today's writing totals:
Blog: 170 words
Novel: 415 words
DAILY TOTAL: 585 words

JANUARY RUNNING TOTAL: 2,208/15,500 words

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wrapping Up the Holidays

The Significant Other (SO) and I and the dogs made an epic winter road trip to Kansas City for the holidays. (Note to dog travelers: invest in the Kurgo Wander Hammock for your car. Our dogs loved it and mostly slept for the entire two thousand mile journey.) I squeezed in some writing when I could, and the grand total for December was... 12,636. No blogging, though, so let me catch up on a few things.

Death and the acceptance thereof seem to have been the theme for the past two weeks.

First, condolences go out to BC-S, whose mother passed away unexpectedly after making hard-earned progress during her three-year fight against carcinoid cancer. BC-S wrote a really wonderful eulogy for her, which serves as a poignant bookend to the one he wrote for his father three years ago. I'm finding it impossible to write a response to those eulogies that doesn't seem flat or maudlin. There is just such beauty in a life well-lived. Just read his stuff, and I'll get on with my own.

I wanted to plug a couple of things that I picked up for the trip, which tie in with the whole "beauty in death" theme.

The road trip score was provided by Gregory Paul's new CD, This Side of the Ground, which opens and closes with his take on a pair of death-themed folk spirituals ("Oh, Death" and "Wayfaring Stranger"). There's plenty of death in his original tunes too. Beautiful stuff, though, if you're into it.

The road trip libretto was Neil Gaiman's new novel, The Graveyard Book, which I loved even more than Coraline. It made me want to write an invitation to him on some sort of extravagantly embossed stationary (lavender-scented, of course), inviting him to a picnic at Mount Hope Cemetery. I'd make cucumber and watercress sandwiches and show him where H.P. Lovecraft's ancestors are buried.

Today's writing totals:
Blog: 323 words
Novel: 0 words
DAILY TOTAL: 323 words

JANUARY RUNNING TOTAL: 1,194/15,500 words